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Best exercises for weight loss




Would you like to burn some fat ‌pounds?

According to estimates, more than 50% of American adults try to lose weight each‌ ‌year.

When people need to lose weight, they use various methods including diet, exercise, and surgery.

Exercising and dieting are two factors to consider when losing weight.

In addition to weight loss, exercise can have a number of other advantages as better moods, making you stronger, and reducing your risk for chronic illnesses.

With exercise, you can raise your heart rate to burn calories and fat.

The‌ ‌longer ‌the‌ ‌activity, the more calories you'll burn.

The best is that your body continues to burn calories even after your workout is over.

Some experts say that anyone who wants to burn more calories to lose weight just needs to walk quickly for 60 minutes every day.

If I cant train a day or two etc... I add the training time that I will lose, the before training days, or the following training days.


This means I must in the end always train at least 7 hours a week. 

As a beginner out of condition, maybe hard overweight, I would train the first 3-4 weeks with 30 minutes of daily training and 3,5 hours a week is better.

If‌ ‌you are turning to exercise as a way to lose weight, or if you want to try something new that can help you lose weight more effectively, you may try the following exercises.

Please always consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before embarking on a new treatment, diet, or fitness program.

Study busts myth: Strength training can also burn fat

However, a new study found that strength training can reduce body fat by 1.4 percent, the same amount we would lose through cardiovascular exercise or aerobic exercise.

These are some of the best exercises to lose weight with at least 1-hour daily training. 

* Beginner-friendly activities

  • *Biking

  • *Yoga

  • *Swimming

  • *Walking

  • *Pilates

  • Climbing

  • Compound movements

  • Hiking

  • HIIT

  • Jogging 

  • Jumping Rope

  • Rowing

  • Spinning

  • Sprint

  • Running

  • Weight training

  • Kettlebell Circuits

  • Kickboxing

It is claimed that exercising for a longer period of time (aerobic exercise) can elevate your metabolic rate for at least ‌24‌ ‌hours.

However, weight loss may be more rapid with certain types of exercise.

Whenever you commit time to sweat, you want to ensure it will be worth it, don't you?

Your exercise routine might also need to change as you progress.

There are so many workout options, you must just find which workout is best suited to your lifestyle and objectives.

Strength training is favored by some people, while cardio is viewed by others as the best calorie-burner.

When people do cardio, such as cycling, swimming, running, etc. they consume more calories than while ‌lifting‌ ‌weights.

However, lifting weights (anaerobic workouts) allows people to build bigger muscle. Muscle regeneration and more muscle mass, let people burn more calories after the training.

It is important to understand that not all types of exercise are the same. 

It isn't perfect math to it where 1+1=2, just certain exercises build a different body ‌than‌ ‌others.

For example:

  • Training as a footballer would build a physique look-alike his. 

  • Training as 1500 meter runner would build a physique look-alike his. 

  • Training as a swimmer would build a physique look-alike his. 

  • Training as a tennis player would build a physique look-alike his. 

  • etc. etc...


The more your training is similar to a certain athlete, the more your body will look like theirs.

The following are the most effective exercises for losing weight play tennis.

The best exercise for weight loss with tennis training

Do you like the physique of a tennis player?


Tennis players can benefit from the following exercises over 6-7 days a week throughout the year.

The best exercise for weight loss with a tennis workout should include Plyometric exercises

Butt kicks 
You can perform these powerful aerobic exercises using only your body weight as resistance to burn calories, shape your body, and build strength and endurance.

  • Beginner level1 set 3-5 minutes - 30 seconds butt kicks - 30 seconds rest

  • Advanced level 1 set 10-15 minutes - 60-120 seconds jump butt kicks 30 seconds rest


Watch this video to see how to perform butt kicks properly!

Sideline or suicide sprints
Running suicides is all about endurance, speed, and agility
During these activities, you are challenged to push through both mental and muscular tiredness to reach‌ ‌your‌ ‌goal.

Sprint from one point to the other ‌and‌ ‌back 30-15 meters long sprints.


Beginner level

  • sprint point to point for 15 seconds

  • 8 sprints

  • rest for 30-60 seconds


Advanced level

  • sprint point to point for 30 seconds

  • rest for 60-90 seconds

  • 16 sprints


Look here to get more variations about suicide sprints!

Box Jump
You can build speed and strength by adding jumps exercise to your workout.

  • 3-5 set

  • 5 to15 repetitions

  • rest 30-90 seconds


Look here to see how to perform a box jump properly 
Box Jump!


Look here to see how to perform a box jump to build more muscle! 

Cone drills 
These exercises improve coordination, speed, and agility.


Beginner level

  • 1 drill for 15 seconds

  • 8 drills

  • rest for 30-60 seconds


Advanced level

  • 1 drill for 30 seconds

  • 16 drills

  • rest for 30 seconds


Watch this video to see how to perform cones drills!

The best exercise for weight loss with a tennis workout should include Med Ball exercises

Tennis training includes a variety of Med Ball (Medicine ball) exercises


The functionality of medical balls makes them an ideal gym tool.

Just a heavy ball is used in the med ball exercises. Some exercises simply need a wall (indoors or ‌ outdoors) to be performed.

Like a portable trainer allows you‌ ‌to‌ ‌exercise ‌anywhere in a variety of ways, they can challenge‌ ‌your‌ ability to move.

A medicine ball slam is unlike anything else. Muscles, strength, and power are built during this exercise. 

It is possible to use them to develop your power or athletic performance, and abs as well. Maybe a good way to feel a little less stressed as well.

A wide range of uses is available.

Discover how training with medicine balls can improve your power!

Be careful when choosing your weight. In the beginning, use a lighter ball and avoid one that is ‌too ‌heavy. As you get better at the movement and condition, increase the reps and/or the ball weight.


Side lunge with the med ball 
This movement train you how to take care of the position and movement of the core and upper‌ ‌body
A lunge like this is an excellent warm-up exercise.

  • 3-5 set

  • 5 to 15 repetitions on each side 

  • rest 30-90 seconds


Watch this video to see how to perform side lung with med ball properly

Med ball slams
Ball slams are great for developing power, speed, strength, and coordination focusing on the abs.

  • 3-5 set

  • 5 to15 repetitions

  • rest 30-90 seconds


Watch this video to see how to perform med ball slams properly!

Med ball shuffle
Medicine ball shuffle can significantly improve a person's flexibility, strength, and speed.


  • 3-5 set

  • 5 to15 repetitions

  • rest 30-90 seconds


Watch this video to see how to perform a simply med ball shuffle exercise!


Med ball throws


  • 3-5 set

  • 5 to15 repetitions

  • rest 30-90 seconds

Look here to see some variations and how to perform med ball throws


The best exercise for weight loss with a tennis workout should include Strength Training

Bench Press
Bench pressing works the chest, triceps, and shoulders simultaneously. Goal: Strengthening the upper body.

  • 3–4 sets

  • 4 to 6 reps

  • rest 3-5 minutes


Look here to see how to perform bench press properly!

Dumbbell Triceps Kickback
Exercises such as the tricep dumbbell kickback are simple and useful exercises for increasing upper body strength and conditioning.

  • 3–4 sets

  • 4 to 6 reps

  • rest 3-5 minutes


Look here to see how to perform dumbbell triceps kickback properly!

Learn more about tricep exercise here!


Goblet Squat
Besides strengthening muscles in the lower body, squats also engage the arm, core, and shoulder muscles.

  • 3-5 set

  • 5 to15 repetitions

  • rest 30-90 seconds


Look here to see how to perform a goblet squat properly!

The best exercise for weight loss with a tennis workout should include exercises that help prevent injuries by strengthening tendons

Shoulder Internal/External Rotations
All athletes who perform overhead motions with their arms should perform these exercises as part of their rehabilitation or workout program for their shoulders
It is important to strengthen those four key muscles to prevent rotator cuff injuries.

  • 3-5 set

  • 5 to15 repetitions

  • rest 30-90 seconds


Watch this video to get more Internal vs. External Rotation information! 


Watch this video to see the best rotator cuff strengthening exercises!


Resistance band exercises 

Using resistance bands is a great way to exercise any part of the body without overloading the junctures.
Exercises using resistance bands help to target the minor muscles that have also a stabilizing role.

 Watch this video to see a 15 Min full-body resistance band workout (woman)!


Watch this video to see a full-body resistance band workout(man)!

The best exercise for weight loss with a tennis workout should include High-Intensity Interval Training

HIIT workouts do not only burn fat, but they also boost your strength, endurance, and agility.

These workouts are characterized by short, intense periods of exercise on a bike, running, swimming, bodyweight, etc. followed by active recoveries.


  • 3 minutes

  • 15-seconds intervals exercise

  • 15-seconds recovery 



  • 10 minutes

  • 30-45-seconds intervals exercise

  • 15-30-seconds recovery 


Watch this video to see how to perform 10 minutes HIIT without equipment (woman)!

Watch this video to see how to perform 10 minutes HIIT without equipment (man)!

Jump rope 

Jumping rope is great for developing coordination, calf and ankle strength, core strength, posture, and cardiovascular endurance. 

  • Beginner level 1 set 3 minutes - 30 seconds jump - 30 seconds rest

  • Advanced level 1 set 10 minutes


Watch this video to see a fat-burning jump rope routine (also without a rope 🙂!

Watch this video to see a 10 Min Beginner Jump Rope Workout!



The best exercise for weight loss with a tennis workout includes daily running and/or playing drills.

Racket drills
Exercises to increase tennis skill

  • 1-3 exercises

  • 3-5 set

  • 5 to 15 repetitions 

  • rest 30-90 seconds


Watch this video to see how to Increase serve power!


5-6 km (a mixed combination of walking, sprinting, jogging, running) or play tennis 1-2 hours

The best exercise for weight loss with Biking


Biking is a great exercise for your cardiovascular health and helps to decrease your stress level.

Biking not only aids weight loss, but studies have shown that people who bike regularly are healthier, have improved insulin sensitivity ​as well as your muscles, and have lower odds of death, cancer, and heart disease.

Biking is also a joint-friendly exercise. You'll be less likely to put a strain on your joints because biking is a low-impact exercise that exerts less stress on joints.

For an effective biking workout that helps you lose weight, you need to know a few things.

You burn more calories if your speed is higher.

Studies believe that fat loss occurs when one bikes for at least one hour.


Being an aerobe exercise, it takes about 20 minutes for one to begin burning fat when cycling.

The longer a ride the more fat will be burnt and the greater the endurance will become. Once a week a 2-6 hours long slow ride. 

Burn more calories by increasing the intensity (HIIT)

HIIT and constant moderate exercise can both reduce body fat, according to a study.

However, HIIT reduces fat mass by almost 30% more than conventional training.

HIIT is short intense sessions alternated with short, low-intensity sessions. This helps burn calories faster.

Depending on the physical condition a HIIT workout might look so:

  • 30-60 seconds ride at maximum speed.

  • 30 seconds to 3 minutes ride at an easy speed.

  • 10-30 minutes long


Replace 2 or 3 of HIIT with ‌standard ‌rides or add them as a final session, or add a HIIT session after‌ ‌a‌ ‌standard ‌ride.

It seems that to lose weight over time, strength training is required before ‌biking.

To burn calories we need more muscle mass.

Performing strength training before biking is crucial.


Doing it after biking when energy is already be expended will be not effective enough.

Give it a good 15-30 minutes or more based on your goals.

Experts say that it is possible to reduce biking's ride to 45 or 30 minutes if you do your weight training first.

According to experts, especially outdoor cyclists can reduce the risk of back injuries by performing dynamic stretches before and after biking.


Watch this video to see a 8 minute warm-up for cyclists!

Bike riders have a variety of options to choose from, which makes it easy to pick the one that fits your needs and interests best.


Unlike outdoor cycling, indoor cycling doesn't involve traffic or adverse weather conditions. It is possible to train at any time of day.

It is safer you will never fall.

You can program the workout to your preference regarding successful training systems using modern tools for planning, training, and fun.

Comparatively to exercising indoors, exercising in natural environments provides a greater sense of wellness, renewed‌ ‌energy,‌ ‌and‌ ‌more motivation.

The core muscles work to keep you in control while pedaling outdoors.

This can be a better workout for the whole body.

Beginners should exercise for no longer than 20-30 minutes, then increase their‌ ‌speed‌ and ride time ‌gradually.

The best exercise for weight loss with Yoga

The development of an innovative weight loss therapy is due to an ancient transcription from five thousand years ago.

Many‌ ‌people think yoga is too slow to burn all the calories necessary to lose weight.

Some recommend yoga as one of the best exercises for losing weight, claiming it's very effective.

Some researchers believe that yoga would be very helpful to those who are having trouble losing‌ ‌weight‌ ‌with diets and other physical activities.

The benefits of yoga for weight loss can be achieved in many different ways, according to experts.

A‌ ‌‌study‌‌ ‌found that people who practice yoga may be more able to resist cravings and unhealthy foods.

Seems that people may crave fresh, unprocessed foods after a yoga session.

Also, it may be possible to lose weight through yoga-practicing more active forms of it.

Sleep quality can also be improved by practicing yoga.

When you practice yoga on a consistent basis, you might find that falling into sleep is easier and that you sleep deeper.

Sleep quality and weight loss are often linked.

When it comes to weight gain, stress usually plays a big role. 


With yoga, you can manage your‌ ‌‌stress.

It is also believed that yoga can improve your metabolism and develop muscle tone.

Getting into yoga poses will enable the body to become more flexible, focus better, and tone your muscles.

Some types of yoga are more physical than others, even though yoga is not commonly considered an aerobic exercise.

Yoga of all kinds can burn calories, but the practice of Hatha yoga specifically burns the most.

Watch this video to see a 45 min hatha yoga for weight loss workout!


Power yoga and vinyasa flow are very effective at burning fat and keeping it off!

Watch this video to see a power yoga break for a weight loss workout!

Watch this video to see a cardio yoga workout for weight loss!


Watch this video to see an amazing fat-burning yoga workout!

Weight loss can be achieved through regular yoga practice.

At least 5-6 days per week, you should practice power yoga and/or vinyasa flow for 60 minutes if you are intent on‌ losing weight or getting in shape.

Pier Elan DISCLAIMER: Pier Elan is not a physician or medical practitioner, but a free researcher and thinker of health. The information provided on this site " Pier Elan - Unleash Your Natural Athletic Potential" is not intended and should not replace the advice of the attending physician. Always consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before embarking on a new treatment, diet or fitness program.

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